The high school’s academics department plans courses, evaluates student progress, assists with course selection and careers, coordinates extracurricular activities, and manages curriculum.

The high school’s academics department plans courses, evaluates student progress, assists with course selection and careers, coordinates extracurricular activities, and manages curriculum.
High school math includes algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, probability, and calculus. These topics provide a foundation for STEM fields and develop problem-solving skills. Algebra deals with equations, geometry with shapes and volumes, trigonometry with angles, statistics and probability with data analysis and likelihood of events, and calculus with rates of change.
Physics teaches laws of nature involving matter, energy and their interactions to explain systems from tiny particles to large structures. It includes two main branches: classical mechanics and electromagnetism. By using experiments and math, students learn basic laws of motion, force, electric and magnetic fields. Physics studies lead to advanced courses, or careers in science.
High school chemistry covers fundamental principles such as chemical reactions, atomic structure, equations, and thermodynamics, all while exploring the periodic table and different types of chemical reactions through laboratory work. It encourages critical thinking, analytical skills, curiosity about the world, and prepares students for advanced studies in related sciences.
Biology covers cell biology, genetics, evolution, ecology, and human anatomy and physiology through class and laboratory activities, including dissections and experiments. Students learn about cells, genetics, evolution, ecology, & human anatomy and physiology.
Geography teaches about Earth’s physical and human aspects, including landforms and human impact. Topics covered include cartography, population trends, cultural geography, and field studies. Technology like GIS and satellite imagery are used.
History covers pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial eras. Students learn about important events such as the Mau Mau uprising and independence struggle and develop skills like research and critical analysis. The subject is assessed through assignments and exams
Students study Christian Religious Education (CRE) as a compulsory subject, which includes learning about the Bible, church history, values, prayer, and worship. This subject prepares them to become responsible Christians & contribute positively to their communities.
High school computer studies develops proficiency in computer hardware, software, programming languages, and application use to prepare students for the job market. It also teaches logical thinking, problem-solving, and digital communication skills.
Business Studies teaches students on key aspects of the business world such as operations, marketing, finance, and HR through practical examples. This subject provides a solid foundation and understanding of essential principles for students planning to pursue a career in the business world.
Agriculture teaches sustainable food production through plant and animal science, soil management, and agribusiness. Labs and fieldwork provide hands-on training in horticulture, animal husbandry, and machinery.
English improves students’ reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills. They study classic and contemporary literature, write persuasive and well-organized essays, and learn grammar and vocabulary.
Kiswahili is a compulsory high school subject that teaches language, literature, cultural context, and promotes cultural pride. It covers grammar, composition, oral lit and language skills to provide proficiency in the language used as a lingua franca.
Through practical experiments, students learn about circuits, components, and safety, gaining valuable knowledge for real-life applications and Kenya’s technological progress.